Хлопчик Данило із двійні, народився на 29 тижні вагітності з надзвичайно малою масою тіла (всього 740 грамів) в одному із пологових Львова. До нашої клініки немовля переведено із двобічною пневмонією, тяжким ураженням шлунково-кишкового тракту, ішемією лівої верхньої кінцівки та некрозом фаланг пальців.
“Спочатку маля, навіть, не рухало рукою. Стан був дуже важкий за рахунок основного захворювання. Ситуацію погіршувала наявність ішемії кінцівки та некроз дистальних фаланг пальців лівої руки. Даний стан загрожував порушенням функції кінцівки та навіть втратою пальчиків. Дитина отримувала необхідне лікування і воно принесло свій результат. Памʼятаю той день, коли при огляді Данилко стиснув мій палець. В такі моменти ти розумієш, що наша праця не даремна. Весь час ми дуже вболівали аби ручка хлопчика відновилася. Врешті-решт, вдалося зберегти руку та, навіть, пальчики, та що є основним – функцію кінцівки», – емоційно розповіла завідувач відділення анестезіології та інтенсивної терапії новонароджених Галина Заремба.
“Постійно проводили консиліуми, усе було під контролем хірургів, гематологів. Обійшлося без оперативного втручання. Вдалося вилікувати маля медикаментозно. Він у нас перебував півтори місяці”, – додала лікар, дитячий анестезіолог відділення анестезіології та інтенсивної терапії новонароджених Анжеліка Патько.
Бажаємо малятку міцного здоровʼя!
PPD Test: Procedure, Results, And Accuracy In Tuberculosis
The PPD (Purified Protein Derivative) test is administered by
intradermal injection of 0.1 mL of a suspension containing 5 tuberculin units (TU).
The skin at the injection site may become hard, raised, or erythematous within 2–4 hours.
Results are read 48–72 hours later.
A positive PPD reaction indicates exposure to Mycobacterium
tuberculosis antigens. A negative result suggests no current active infection but does not rule
out past exposure or latent TB infection. Positive results should be confirmed with
additional diagnostic testing.
The PPD test has high specificity and sensitivity for detecting active TB in most populations.
Sensitivity is approximately 90-98%, while specificity is about 97-99%.
However, accuracy can vary based on population characteristics and
the prevalence of TB.
The PPD test is a cost-effective and reliable tool for initial TB
screening in high-risk individuals. It helps identify individuals who require further diagnostic evaluation for active or latent TB infection.
# PPD Test: Procedure, Results, and Accuracy in Tuberculosis Screening
## Introduction
The Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) test is a widely used tool in the fight against tuberculosis (TB).
It’s non-invasive, cost-effective, and has been a cornerstone in global TB control
efforts. This article delves into the procedure, results, accuracy, and significance of the PPD test in identifying TB infections.
## What Is a Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) Test?
The PPD test, also known as the tuberculin skin test, involves injecting a small amount of purified protein derivative from tuberculosis bacteria into the surface of the
skin. Over 48 to 72 hours, the immune system’s reaction to this injection is measured to determine if TB exposure has occurred.
## Why Is a PPD Test Important?
The PPD test is crucial for identifying individuals
who have been exposed to TB bacteria. It’s particularly valuable in detecting latent TB infections (LTBI), which can progress to active disease over time.
Early detection through the PPD test allows for preventive measures, such as medication, to be implemented, significantly reducing the
risk of TB transmission and disease progression.
## What Does a PPD Test Diagnose?
The PPD test is used to diagnose several forms of TB:
– **Active Tuberculosis (TB):** A positive result indicates active infection.
– **Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI):** A positive result suggests exposure without active disease.
– **Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis:** Includes conditions like military, pleuritis,
and miliary tuberculosis.
– **Tuberculosis Meningitis:** Inflammation of the brain caused by
TB bacteria.
– **Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis:** Identifies resistance to standard TB treatments.
– **HIV-Associated Tuberculosis:** A combination of HIV and TB infection.
– **Occupational Tuberculosis:** TB acquired through work-related exposure.
– **Pediatric Tuberculosis:** TB in children, which is
particularly concerning due to their lower immune response.
## PPD Test: A Vital Tool for Tuberculosis Screening
The procedure involves three main stages: before the test, during
the test, and after the test.
### Before the Test
– The skin on the inside of the forearm is cleaned with
alcohol and abraded to ensure the injection site is clear.
– The healthcare provider administers the PPD
solution just beneath the skin’s surface.
### During the Test
– The injected area becomes slightly red or Swelling within a few minutes.
This is a normal reaction to the injection and not indicative of
TB exposure.
### After the Test
– The healthcare provider returns 48 to 72 hours later to read the
test results. They may press lightly on the injected area to check for induration (hardening) and measure its size.
## Understanding PPD Test Results
A positive result indicates that the individual’s immune system has reacted to the
PPD, suggesting exposure to TB bacteria.
A negative result means no reaction was observed, implying no exposure or a lack of immune response.
### Negative Result
– No induration or other abnormal reactions are noted.
This suggests either no TB exposure or a false-negative result, though the latter is rare under proper testing conditions.
### Positive Result
– Significant induration with a raised area indicates a strong
immune response to TB proteins, likely indicating latent or active TB
## Discussing Results with Your Provider
Positive results require further evaluation, such as chest X-rays and possibly a TB culture
test, to confirm the diagnosis of active TB.
A negative result means continued monitoring for symptoms
of TB disease over time.
## Limitations and Risks of the PPD Test
While the PPD test is highly effective,
it has some limitations:
– **False Positives:** Can occur in individuals with other conditions causing similar immune
responses, such as those who have received the BCG vaccine for TB
prevention or those with certain chronic diseases.
– **False Negatives:** Rare but possible if the testing is not performed correctly or if the individual has a weakened immune system.
– **Localized Reactions:** The injection site may become red, itchy, or swollen, which can be uncomfortable but usually resolves quickly.
## Conclusion
The PPD test is a vital tool in TB screening and control efforts,
enabling early detection of infections that can prevent progression to active disease.
While it has limitations, its widespread use ensures better health outcomes for individuals and communities.
Regular screening, especially for high-risk groups,
remains crucial in the ongoing battle against tuberculosis.
## Screen for TB Today
Don’t delay getting tested if you suspect TB exposure or have risk factors like living with HIV or
working in environments with high TB transmission.
Early detection can save lives and reduce the spread of this preventable disease.
## Contact Us
For more information about the PPD test, prevention strategies, or testing locations near you, contact your healthcare provider or local public health office.
Together, we can combat tuberculosis and promote global health.
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