Сім’я з Жовкви. До лікарів звернулись, коли у 7-річної Яринки з’явились різкі болі у ніжці. Тоді медики поставили діагноз «запалення кульшового суглобу» та назначили лікування. Однак покращення не було.

Після цього батьки дівчинки звернулись до спеціалістів нашої лікарні. Тут з’ясували, що у Яринки наявні запальні зміни у лівій стегновій кістці. Дівчинці під загальним знечуленням зробили біопсію шийки стегнової кістки (інвазивна процедура). Гістологічне заключення опісля показало, що це деструктивні зміни кісткової тканини, тобто остеомієліт. Ярині назначили відповідну спеціальну імобілізацію та провели кілька курсів медикаментозного лікування.
Зараз, після тривалого ліжкового режиму, дитина знову почала самостійно ходити.
«Лікарі тут чудові. Дуже дякуємо за лікування доньки. Кирило Лапшин завжди відповідає на всі наші запитання. Бо у мам завжди багато питань, а він терпеливо на усі відповідає», – розповіла мама дівчинки Лілія.
Бажаємо Яринці міцного здоров’я!

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT): Everything You Need to
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**Post Cycle Therapy: Everything You Must Know About PCT**
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is a crucial component of bodybuilding and performance enhancement regimens.
It helps athletes maintain muscle gains, recover effectively, and avoid hormonal imbalances that can occur after cycles
of anabolic steroids or other performance-enhancing
**What Is Post Cycle Therapy?**
PCT involves using specific medications,
such as Clomid, Nolvadex, or rebirth, to stimulate hormone production and restore the body’s natural hormone balance.
These drugs work by inhibiting estrogen production in the body, allowing for
a more effective anabolic environment during recovery.
**When To Start Post Cycle Therapy**
PCT is typically initiated within 4-6 weeks after completing a
cycle of steroids or other performance-enhancing substances.
It’s most commonly used after test cycles, steroid cycles, or prohormone cycles to minimize the negative effects on hormones like testosterone.
**How Long Should Post Cycle Therapy Last**
The duration of PCT varies depending on the individual, their goals, and the
substances they’ve used. A standard PCT cycle is 4-6 weeks long, but some athletes may extend it
up to 8-12 weeks for better results or to address specific hormone imbalances.
**The Different Post Cycle Therapy Protocols**
There are several PCT protocols tailored to different needs and cycles:
– **Clomid PCT**: Clomid is a powerful estrogen blocker that helps restore testosterone production. It’s often used
after steroid and test cycles.
– **Nolvadex PCT**: Nolvadex is another estrogen blocker, but it’s
milder than Clomid and is sometimes used in combination with other drugs.
– **Rebirth PCT**: Rebirth (Tamoxifen) is a potent anti-estrogen that’s often used at higher dosages for more
pronounced results.
**The Best PCT Cycle To Keep Gains**
A well-planned PCT cycle can help maintain muscle gains
and prevent fat gain during recovery. Combining Clomid and Nolvadex in a 2:1
ratio is highly effective, while adding supplements like
Arimidex can further enhance results.
**Post Cycle Therapy Supplements**
In addition to medications, several supplements support PCT:
– **Arimidex**: Reduces estrogen levels, enhancing
the effectiveness of other medications.
– **Mentat**: Supports hormonal health and recovery.
– **Vitamin D**: Essential for immune function and hormone regulation.
**Rebirth PCT**
Tamoxifen (Rebirth) is a popular choice for PCT due to its strong anti-estrogen properties.
It’s often used at higher doses than Clomid or Nolvadex,
making it more effective for individuals with more significant estrogen dominance issues.
**What To Expect During Post Cycle Therapy**
During PCT, users typically experience:
– Increased testosterone levels.
– Reduced fat gain during recovery.
– Improved mood and energy levels.
**Things You Should Do During Post Cycle Therapy**
– **Focus on nutrition**: Maintain a calorie surplus
with high-quality foods to support muscle growth.
– **Keep training consistently**: Continue resistance training to preserve
muscle mass and promote recovery.
– **Prioritize rest and recovery**: Get adequate sleep, and consider
additional recovery methods like massage or sauna use.
– **Minimize stress**: Stress can negatively impact hormonal
health, so practice relaxation techniques.
**Frequently Asked Questions About PCT**
– **Should I do bloodwork during PCT?** Yes, blood tests
can monitor hormone levels and ensure the effectiveness
of your protocol.
– **What additional supplements should I take
during PCT?** Essential fatty acids, vitamin D, and B vitamins are often recommended
to support recovery.
– **Is post cycle therapy necessary?** For individuals who
use performance-enhancing substances, PCT is often necessary to maintain health and gains.
– **How can I tell if my PCT has been successful?** Look for improvements in muscle mass, reduced fat gain, and better overall energy levels.
– **What happens if I don’t do post cycle therapy?** Failure to
use PCT can lead to hormonal imbalances, muscle loss, and other health issues.
– **Do you need PCT after a test cycle?** Yes, especially for test-only cycles, PCT is crucial
to prevent estrogen dominance and maintain testosterone levels.
Post Cycle Therapy is an essential part of any performance-enhancement plan.
It not only helps maintain muscle gains but also ensures overall
hormonal health. By following a well-planned PCT protocol and taking
care of recovery and nutrition, you can maximize
your results and avoid potential side effects.
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